Radius: Off
km Set radius for geolocation

Here are some helpful tips and How-To’s for using the Rogue Valley Scene website. If you cannot find help with something you can contact us and we will be happy to walk you through it.


Help with using the Rogue Valley Scene website.

How To Register With Rogue Valley Scene

Register with Rogue Valley Scene by clicking the user icon on the upper right of the screen.  The user icon looks like this:

Rogue Valley Scene Register Icon

Choose the Register tab and complete the form.  You will receive a confirmation email containing an activation link that you will need to click.

If you have already registered you can choose the Login tab to login.

How To Add Your Business To Rogue Valley Scene

Once you have registered you can add your business to the Rogue Valley Scene directory.  You will need to login to add your business or modify it's information.

TIP: Businesses are called "Items" inside your user portal.

Click the "Add Item" link in the menu and complete the form.